Saturday, August 31, 2019

It236 Week 2

Web site plan part one. * Tittle: Cocibolca Money Transfer web site. This site will be design for a small money transfer business, in need of a web site to promote their services and to try to enhance their business success. * Site purpose- The purpose of my site is to promote and informed customers about the products and services offered by this small business services. In which customers will be able to see and understand the different products and services in detail; such as pricing on every product and services.By creating and maintaining this site the company, is hoping to gain more customers to use their services. This site will help the company to keep up with today’s business standards. * Key points of this web site- This web site will be focused in providing a customer service and successful customer experience. 1. Detail information- when customers go online, they do not want to make a phone call or email a company to obtain the information that they need about produ cts and services.The goal is to provide ensure that, when a customer goes into this web site easily find answers to any questions. 2. Services- On this site the services offered by this company, will be describe in detail using a good visual design. Having this in mind it is important to have clean and simple design that will stand out from competitors. A great visual design will catch the attention of everyone that logs in; the first impression it is crucial. 3.Contact information- It is essential to provide contact information that a potential customer can use easily. It is ideal to provide more than one contact method, such and email address and also a contact form. 4. Search field- Having a search field will be very beneficial; it can be very frustrating having to go over a few pages of site before obtaining information of a specific service or content. * Target Audience-The target audience will be the Hispanic community that uses the products and services of money transfer busi ness.The local Hispanic community of Miami Dade County especially those from south and Central America that are known to use money transfer services very often. * Pages transition- In this site I am planning to create a uniform look among each page and sections of the site. By reinforcing and identifying elements of the site and create smooth transitions from one page to another by repeating colors and fonts and by using a page layout that allows hierarchical levels. On this site I also think that it is imperative to use all the blank spaces of every pages and section on the site.With the use of every white space on this web site, will guide the readers and it will define each area of the site. * Slogan- Good service is our expertise!!!!! — This slogan will induce the target audience to use the business services, and the slogan drive the site content, because it represent everything that will be presented on the web site. Every service available to help every customer in thei r needs and also to demonstrate the expertise of the business in servicing customers is presented on this slogan. Sources: (Sklar)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Digestion and Food Essay

Digestion is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into smaller molecules so they can pass though the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and be transported throughout the body. There are seven different food groups in a balanced diet which should include Carbohydrate, fat, water, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Although most foods contain these in some shape or form the foods that contain most of one type fall into that category, a chicken fillet for example would fall under the protein category because it contains more protein per hundred grams than any other nutrient. This assignment will explain the systems and processes necessary for the digestion of a Beef sandwich and a chicken Tikka Masala with rice. In the digestion of a beef sandwich containing sliced Beef, bread, butter and a chicken Tikka Masala there are different stages of where food is broken down. Enzymes are added at different times to ensure the food is absorbed properly. Digestion technically starts in the brain. Even before food touches your lips the stomach is already preparing for the food about to be ingested. The ingestion process starts with taking food into the mouth (eating and drinking). The purpose of this is so the food can be cut into smaller pieces and saliva is added before it is swallowed. This is where the first enzymes start work. There are two enzymes found in the saliva of the mouth, salivary amylase and lingual lipase. Amylase breaks down dietary carbohydrates such as monosaccharides, disaccharide sugars and complex polysaccharides (starch). Monosaccharide’s can be easily absorbed into the bloodstream so the others need to be broken down into these before they can be absorbed (Derrickson, Tortora 2006 p906). The salivary amylase starts to break down the polysaccharide starch found in the bread of sandwich and the rice in the chicken Tikka meal while it is being chewed. Once the food has been swallowed it slides down the throat which extends into the esophagus. The smooth muscle, mucus and secretions in the esophagus enable the food to slide down easily into the stomach. At the end of the esophagus is the lower esophageal sphincter which connects to the stomach. The stomach is a j-shaped organ where food is mixed with gastric juices secreted by the lining. The gastric juices consist of water, enzymes and hydrochloric acid to kill any harmful bacteria (Parker 2007 p176). The main enzyme in the stomach is called pepsin which specialises in the break down of protein. Gastric pepsin breaks proteins into polypeptides, pancreatic trypsin, chymotrypsin and carboxypeptidase which change the polypeptides into peptides (Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins 2005 p224). The proteins in the beef part of the sandwich and chicken part of the Tikka Masala are broken down by theses enzymes in order to extract the essential amino acids found in the peptides so that they can be easily absorbed in the small intestine where the food moves to after the stomach has done its work. The intestinal mucosal peptidases in the small intestine break the peptides down into amino acids allowing this to happen. As the carbohydrate (rice and bread from the two meals) enters the stomach the salivary amylase is deactivated by the ph level. As the food then enters the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine, another type of amylase is then added from the pancreas which changes the carbohydrates into simple sugars (Parker 2007). The simple sugars are maltose lactose and sucrose. As these are pasted further into the small intestine ‘the enzymes maltase, lactase and sucrase chop maltose, lactose and sucrose into smaller bits, more easily absorbed, which are eventually converted to glucose and absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream’ (Collins 2007). Once this has happened the glucose is transported to the liver where it can be where it can be stored or distributed to cells throughout the body (Collins 2007). Fats fall under three categories, saturated (mainly found in animal products); Unsaturated (fish, nuts) and Trans fats which are mainly found in vegetable oils and processed foods made from hydrogenated vegetable fats. Fats or lipids as there also known ‘are diverse compounds that are grouped together because they are insoluble in water, but soluble in nonpolar solvents’ (Bailey 2008). This means lipids take longer to digest than carbohydrates and proteins. The fat content of the two meals comes mainly from the butter of the beef sandwich and the cream of the Masala sauce. The Short chain triglycerides found in these are digested by gastric lipase in the stomach. The majority of fat digestion though is done in the small intestine where pancreatic lipase and bile salts are added. The bile salts emulsify fat into droplets which makes them water soluble allowing them to be absorbed more easily. The pancreatic lipase ‘breaks down fats and phospholipids into a mixture of glycerol, short and long-chain fatty acids, and monoglycerides’ (Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins 2005 p224). Small finger like projections on the small intestine called Villi give it a large surface area making it easy for the absorption allowing the fatty acids and monoglycerides to pass through into the blood stream. Nearly all vital nutrients from food are absorbed in the small intestine and the left over waste that passes into the large intestine afterwards is known as the chyme. The chyme descends through three main regions of the large intestine called the caecum, colon and rectum. During this journey sodium, chloride, and water are absorbed through the lining of the colon into the blood making less watery faeces to be excreted out of the anus.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Baker College Corporate Services Essay Example for Free

Baker College Corporate Services Essay Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of America’s greatest Leaders. His accomplishments are discussed in this paper in a biographical manner, as well as other Authors opinions about them, including my humble self’s. This paper gives an example of a forward looking, charismatic leader. The whole population of this great country is benefitting from his accomplishments, and will continue to do so for generations, with only slight adjustments for technology and culture. Franklin Delano Roosevelt An Example to Remember When somebody asks to pick a favorite leader, a number of the great ones pop into mind, like Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Douglas McArthur, Franklin Delano Roosevelt among others. It is a tough choice. They were all great. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had so many great accomplishments during his life time; the only way to list and discuss them would be in the biographical manner the Author chose. The reason the author chose to write about Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the similarity of today’s economy that he faced at the time of his first term in the office as well as our current president elect’s choice to use some of his strategies to correct the present state of our economy. Faced with World War II, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), guided America through one of its greatest domestic crisis, His presidency, which spanned twelve years, was unparalleled, not only in length but in scope. FDR took office with the country mired in a horrible and debilitating economic depression which not only sapped its material wealth and spiritual strength, but cast a cloud over its future, not unlike what we are facing today. â€Å"Roosevelt’s combination of confidence, optimism, and political savvy, all of which came together in the experimental economic and social programs of the â€Å"New Deal† helped bring about the beginnings of a national recovery (Baliles, 2005, p. 1). † FDR also committed the United States to the defeat of Germany, Japan, and Italy, and led the nation and its allies to the brink of victory. This triumph dramatically altered America’s relationship with the world, putting the United States into a position of international power, as well as political and moral leadership. By virtue of its newfound political and economic power, the United States would play a leading role in shaping the remainder of the twentieth century. Inside the United States Franklin Roosevelt stirred a domestic political revolution on several fronts. † FDR and the Democratic Party built a power base which carried the party to electoral and ideological, dominance until the late 1960s (Baliles, 2005, p. 1) â€Å". FDR’s policies, especially those comprising the New Deal, helped redefine and strengthen both the country as well as the American presidency, expanding its political, administrative, and constitutional powers of the office (Baliles, 2005). FDR was born in Hyde Park, New York, in 1882, to James and Sara Roosevelt. His parents were well off, if not wealthy by New York High society standards. While growing up, they were able to provide a succession of nannies, and at age 14 send him to a prestigious boarding school in Massachusetts. He went on to Harvard College, where he spent most of his time at the college paper, where he declared himself a Democrat. While at Harvard, he grew close to his cousin Theodor Roosevelt, who was moving up the political ladder in the Democratic Party, and began courting his distant cousin, Elanor Roosevelt. Although FDR started attending law school at Columbia at this time, he had little interest and dropped out after one year. Elanor and FDR were married in New York City in 1905. He had six children: Anna Elanor, born 1906; James, born 1907; Franklin Jr. , born 1909 and died the same year in November; Elliott, born 1910; Franklin Jr. , born 1914 and John Aspinwall, born 1916 (Coker, 2005). In 1910 FDR ran and got elected to the New York Senate and was re-elected in 1912. One year later he began his tenure as assistant secretary of the Navy under the Wilson administration at the age of 31, helping to prepare the country for entry into the world war. He moved his family to Washington for this reason. WWI lasted from April1917 until November 1918. â€Å"On more than one occasion, he was subject to ribbing by those around him as being a â€Å"little boy†. Nevertheless, in characteristic Roosevelt fashion, he was undaunted by his lack of experience and plunged into the job with enthusiasm and confidence (Coker, 2005, pg. 28). † As a matter of fact, he did such a great job, that in 1920 the Democratic Party named him the vice-presidential candidate on James Cox’s ticket. They lost the election in November of that year. Roosevelt’s most significant responsibility in the Navy Department had to do with labor negotiations with defense contractors. His primary goal in this area was to encourage positive relations between workers, industry leaders, and the military. In this capacity he gained appreciation for labor issues and learned how to handle sometimes rocky labor disputes (Coker, 2005). â€Å"FDR proved to have the exceptional ability to juggle various administrative and political responsibilities. Part of the reason he was able to do so many things simultaneously was that he insisted on bringing the indispensable Louis Howe to Washington with him to serve as his personal secretary. Howe seemed to be everywhere at once, assisting Roosevelt in all matters-scheduling appointments, helping with clerical work, and even helping Roosevelt keep an eye on, and a hand in, New York politics. † (Coker, 2005, pg. 31) In1921 FDR contracted polio, an incurable disease that left his legs paralyzed. By investing a considerable part of his fortune in renovating a spa in Warm Springs, Georgia, whose curative waters, together with strenuous physical therapy and the support of his wife, children and close confidantes, was he able to regain some use of his legs. By 1928 with the relentless help of his wife, Howe and a new personal secretary, Marguerite (Missy) LeHand, FDR was apparently sufficiently recovered to resume his political ambitions to run and win the governorship of New York. The very next year FDR had to cope with the stock market crash in October. The stock market was pretty volatile in the 1920s. With no regulation, Americans and investors bought stock on credit. By the second half of 1929 the economy slowed because of rising unemployment and high interest rates. When everybody started selling stock and found no buyers, the market nosedived. October 24th (Black Thursday†) and October 29th († Black Tuesday†) were two days that marked the beginning of the depression, although not the only cause. At the same time, farmers were taking advantage of new technologies, which caused overproduction. The Stock market crash, along with overseas competition, and urban areas lacking the income to buy agricultural products, caused those prices to crash also. Because of the prosperity in the 1920 over 80% of Americans held no savings at all and the rich stopped buying. Because of all these factors, 5000 banks collapsed, one in four farms went into foreclosure and 100,000 jobs vanished each week. By 1932 one quarter of this country’s people in were unemployed (Baliles, 2005). FDR implemented a number of innovative relief and recovery initiatives: unemployment insurance, pensions for the elderly, limits on work hours, and massive public works projects. These programs labeled him as a liberal reformer and won him reelection as governor in 1930. It is important to note that FDR as Governor surrounded himself with best minds that worked with him in the State Senate, as well as some members of Al Smiths former gubernatorial administration, to solve his States’ problems. At the same time he had Louise Howe, as his chief campaign strategist and the head of the state Democratic Party, James Farley laying the ground work for a presidential campaign (Coker, 2005). In the grip of the great depression, the Democrats turned to FDR in the election season of 1932 to run for President. He was a popular and successful governor for two terms, with a recognizable last name, that could challenge President Hoover. He won the presidency in a landslide, promising the American People a â€Å"New Deal†. Voters extended FDR approval to both houses of congress, giving the democrats overwhelming majority, which would prove vital in FDR’s first year in office. In his inaugural address, FDR promised the distraught Americans hope by telling them that they had â€Å"nothing to fear but fear itself (Baliles, 2005). † True to his character, FDR surrounded himself with a group of advisers nicknamed â€Å"the brain trust†. This brain trust included former progressives, liberal-minded professors and bright young lawyers. One of the traits FDR is consistent on is the ability to recognize when expert help is needed, and then surrounding himself with it (Dubrin, 2004). â€Å"An array of emergency measures proposed by FDR, and passed by Congress reflected three basic goals: industrial recovery through business-government cooperation and pump-priming federal spending; agricultural recovery through crop reduction; and short-term emergency relief distributed through state and local agencies when possible, but directly by the federal government if necessary. † ( Boyer, P. et. al. (2008). pg. 734) â€Å"Between March and June 1933, a period labeled â€Å"Hundred Days,† Congress enacted more than a dozen key measures ( Boyer, P. et. al. (2008). pg. 736). † These measures were all directed to solve every aspect of the depression, including regulating the stock market. Because so many people had been unemployed for some time, the help did not come fast enough. By 1934 the unity spirit of the hundred days was fading, industry was chafing under increasing National Recovery Administration (NRA) regulations. Even Nature seemed to work against recovery efforts. Between 1930 and 1939 the drought in the Oklahoma panhandle region turned much of the Great Plains in the Midwest into a dust bowl. Depression persisted, despite all efforts. FDR put great store in talking to the people, and he used radio to talk to them. He would talk regularly and informally on shows called â€Å"fireside chats† about results and plans to help the nation and alleviate people’s fears (Boyer, P. et. al. (2008). At this point in his research the author remembered the first four chapters of required reading for the class. It is without exaggeration, when saying, that it is hard to single out any one part of these chapters to describe FDR. They simply seem written about him. From the definition of leadership to the nine leadership roles in chapter one, the personality traits, motives and cognitive factors of effective leadership in chapter two, to initiating structure and consideration and attitude and behaviors of a leader in chapter four. FDR had it all. If it has been noticed the Author left out chapter three, because this chapter dealt with Charisma and transformational leadership. It would not be fair to pick any part of this chapter in the authors opinion FDR was the embodiment of this chapter (Dubrin, 2004). While he was loved by the people, the new deal was criticized from all directions. Some saying that the New Deal was going to far, others saying it was not going far enough. FDR seemed to relish the attacks of his critics, saying that the New Deal protected the average American, not the rich. In 1935 FDR fought back the criticism with a series of legislation that eclipsed the first hundred days termed the â€Å"Second New Deal†. He also lost support from the business community because of his support for the Wagner Act and Social Security. Both were the more memorable of FDR’s accomplishments, the former allowed labor unions to organize and bargain collectively, the latter set up programs designed to provide for the needs of the aged, the poor, and the unemployed, but excluding farmers, domestic workers, and the self employed (Baliles, 2005). Because of his popularity with the American people, FDR wins the election of 1936 against Republican Alf Landon by a major majority. What this proved, was that the Democratic Party was the major party in the states. At his inauguration he promised the people to continue to fight for the nation’s underprivileged. FDR put together a group of voters from different regions of the country. This diverse group became the core of the Democratic Party. It came to be called the â€Å"New Deal Coalition† or â€Å"Roosevelt coalition† and included members from different labor, racial, religious and ethnic groups, along with academics and intellectuals (Coker, 2005). FDR is first to realize he can not do it all himself, and has the presents and humility to put together a group that can give him, information, ideas and feedback from every segment of the population he is trying to help (Dubrin, 2004). FDR’s second term in office started with doing something about the resistance he has been encountering to his New Deal. The Supreme Court was on top of his lists of concern. They had overturned some agricultural and industrial New Deal reforms earlier and Roosevelt was concerned for future programs. He found it unbelievable that this body could overrule not only the presidency, but the Congress as well. He blamed it on the lack of vision of several older judges and was determined to do something about it. If they refused to retire or to die, he would find a more systematic way to protect his policies from them. He consulted legal experts and advisers within the organization and came up with the idea to expand the number of judges on the Supreme Court. In 1937 FDR proposed legislation stating that because the age of some of the judges, and in the interest of efficiency, adding an additional new and younger justice for every one of the sitting ones over the age of 75. Most of his opposition called FDR a dictator, but having such a majority in both houses of congress, the bill would have probably passed. Perhaps that was the reason later that year, that the Supreme Court upheld some state and federal legislation. By the time the bill reached the Senate, all the steam went out of the argument and did not pass. The possibility of the event coming to pass however, had such an impact on the Supreme Court that they have not invalidated any legislation concerning regulating business or expanding social rights for the remainder of the century. Having won his point with the court, he was finding the whole federal bureaucracy moving to slow for his tastes, started to bypass established procedures, creating emergency agencies to carry out policies. In 1937 Roosevelt had a plan for reorganizing his cabinet. It called him to receive 6 full time executive assistants, for a single administrator to head the Civil Service Commission, for him and his staff to assume all responsibility in budget planning, and for every executive agency to be under the control of a cabinet department. Although he did get some of these things passed by Congress in 1939, his opposition was able to paint him as imperious and power-hungry (Baliles, 2005). The Author can empathize with FDR on the point of the Judges, mainly because of a similar difficulty in his work environment, involving very high sonority workers that could retire and make room for younger people to work in this difficult economy. He would have told him that he is also of the opinion that any political appointment should not be for life. Frustrated by red tape of bureaucracy FDR shows a segment of entrepreneurial leadership (Dubrin, 2004). To top all this controversy, FDR also tried to eliminate some of the conservatives within his own party by supporting their more liberal opponents in the 1938 primary. This attempt was later labeled â€Å"The great Purge† and failed. Of the 10 Democrats targeted, only one lost. All these were reasons the party suffered significant setbacks, as the Republicans reclaimed 81 seats in the House of Representatives and 8 in the Senate in the 1938 midterm elections. In the midst of these setbacks, international events were becoming more important and harder to ignore. During the internal struggle of the depression the administration had adopted a position of isolation and neutrality toward the rest of the world claiming the United States was dragged into WWI by trade entanglements with European factions. The Japanese invaded the Chinese Mainland in 1937 and the fact this happened with very little resistance, FDR considered responding, concerned Japan might be encouraged to continue to press forward threatening crucial United States locations in the Philippines. Although FDR wanted to respond to the threat, he relented to his opposition. He sufficed to publicly â€Å"quarantined† Japan, mainly to express U. S. opposition to the invasion. He did ask and receive funding for increased naval development in the pacific under the guise of creating more jobs (Baliles, 2005). FDR shows his democratic leadership side as he cedes to the wishes of the population and the political majority and refrains from taking any direct and hostile action toward Japan. He probably realizes that the internal problems need the most focus as Japan has not physically attacked the U. S. Although, like the entrepreneurial and situational leader that he is, he sees an opportunity to use the goals of economic recovery and job creation to build up the country’s defenses. The Author would most likely have suggested using this creative plan to enforce the navy in the Atlantic as well (Dubrin, 2004). In Europe, Germany lead by Hitler was also invading neighboring countries under the guise of reuniting Germanic people under one nation. As long as his actions suited his declaration, France and England were content to stay out of the action. Russia under Stalin, seeing the lack of opposition, made a nonaggression pact with Hitler, and started seizing territory in Eastern Europe, while Hitler invaded Poland. These actions in 1939 shocked the world, with France and England declaring the start of World War II (Coker, 2005). Throughout this aggression in Europe, FDR was hamstrung because of the neutrality acts congress passed between 1935 and 1939. Being as staunch supporter of England and France, he did manage to relax them in 1939, accomplishing two goals, boosting our economy with our allies able to buy arms and munitions from us, as well as supporting them. In a speech to Congress he voiced his opposition to the neutrality laws and his regret of signing them. Explaining that none of our ships would enter hostile waters, the allies buying from us would transport the munitions. He also refrained from using military language, afraid of loosing hard won political support, needed in the upcoming election. At this time decisions war vying for supremacy in FDR between the future of the nation and his political career (Baliles, 2005). It is admirable and probably due to his inner circle of family and friend, that FDR has the presents of mind to divide his concentration between the troubles in Europe, trouble in the country and making sure he wins the election. FDR seems to see himself as a servant leader (Dubrin, 2004). Although expressing concern once that the Democratic Party was becoming to dependent on him, he was confidante he would win the nomination and be a favorite in the election. After a period of indecision, that left the party hanging, FDR announced his full support for the ticket. He did win the nomination and promptly announced his intention to replace the vice president, conservative John Nance Garner with Henry Wallace, a progressive who had been a major player in the administration. This caused a major disagreement within the party as nobody wanted a change. FDR got his way by a narrow margin, simply because he threatened to drop out of the race and resign from the white house immediately (Baliles, 2005). FDR seems to let his position go to his head somewhat as his actions describe a section of chapter 4 entitled the dark side of charismatic leadership. It describes that the end justifies the means (Dubrin, 2004). The race was the most challenging so far for FDR. The republicans, taking advantage of the strife in the Republican Party, tried labeling FDR as unstable and warmonger. In return FDR was warning the public of the threat the republicans would dismantle the New Deal and destroy the progress it had made. FDR would win the presidency for a third term with a narrower margin than the last two. Without the concern of the an election FDR proposed a bill to congress, which he promoted through a â€Å"Fireside chat† as well as a speech in congress, stressing that while the country was a peaceful one, with no intention of entering the war, the country had a good neighbor responsibility to help defeat Hitler through the production of goods and weaponry and a â€Å"Lend-Lease† program, under which the Allies could borrow military hardware to return after use. A bill was passed in congress in early1941 that greatly increased our help to Great Britain. As Hitler was fighting by now against England and Russia, having broken the nonaggression pack, FDR was able to increase the U. S. naval presence in the Atlantic on the threat that Hitler was out of control without breaking the neutrality act. This action caused our ships to come under fire, resulting in the sinking of several. In September of 1941, while mourning the death of his mother, FDR gave our navy orders to fire at will. Emboldened by its alliance with Germany, Japan attacked the U. S. at Pearl Harbor hoping to invade and secure the natural resources, denied them after their alliance with Germany, which they were importing from the U. S. before. On December 8, 1941, FDR delivered his famous â€Å"A ate which will live in infamy† speech, to congress asking for a declaration of war and getting it that same afternoon (Coker, 2005). â€Å"Despite Roosevelts lifelong interest in diplomacy, he never held illusions that he would formulate strategy in case of war. He did, however, expect to stay in close contact with his officers and surround himself with an able advisory team (Coker, 2005, Pg. 134)†. He also took similar steps to reorient the country for war production, creating the War Production Board to oversee mobilization soon joined by an Office of War Mobilization. FDR’s New Deal experience helped him create a cooperative venture between government and private industry to meet defense needs (Coker, 2005). During mobilization FDR brought about significant changes for the betterment of unemployed and minorities. Farmers streamed into cities, finding jobs, women were urged to work at jobs previously occupied by men and everybody was urged to join a union. Unions saw the peek of membership during these years. If the New Deal was slow in turning the economy around, although creating enormous deficit, the Second World War kick started the economy into high gear. Although reluctant and concerned about violating civil liberties, FDR, as was his policy in most military matters, listened to his military advisors and issued Executive Order 9066, which forced over 100,000 Japanese-Americans into internment camps, for security reasons. (Coker, 2005) Controversial and widely criticized later, this action was done out of fear of espionage. At that time, however not the Civil Liberties Union, nor the public objected to this action. If War was not one of FDR’s strong points, organizing, creating smooth transitions using programs such as â€Å"maintenance for membership† and â€Å"no strike-pledge† was. He used fireside chats to explain to the public the need for such policies, applying to patriotism. While researching FDR’s accomplishments during WWII, the author was amazed by his power of persuasion and organization during this time of mass confusion in this country. Had he lived in this time frame, the Author would have liked FDR to tell him how he kept it all straight (Dubrin, 2004). The outlook did not look promising for the allies in the first months of 1942, but things turned against Germany and Japan when the U. S. won victories in the pacific theater in 1943 and â€Å"D-Day† operation was a great success in France in 1944. On the home front, FDR had to concentrate internally again for several reasons. First the Republicans, having won major advancements in the election of 1942 in Congress, were making it almost impossible to pass legislation to fund the war, which mainly consisted of significant tax hikes. The Labor unions were also threatening to strike over this issue. Mainly the public was fed up with funding the war and having to do without. In 1944, FDR made it known to his party that he was willing to run for a forth term. The party acknowledged that he would be their best chance for victory, however, nominated Senator Harry Truman as Vice President. Although a sick man, run down from his years in office, his energetic campaigning and his medical condition, FDR downplayed the situation and convinced the public they should not change leaders in mid-war. He won the presidency against republican New York governor Thomas Dewey by 54% of the popular vote (Baliles, 2005). FDR’s stamina and drive at this point in his life is a little disturbing from the authors point of view. Highly regarded as a great leader, it is surprising he does not recognize his deficiencies and recommends the party choose a different candidate. But then, if his wife, doctor and friends could not persuade him to retire, the author doubts highly that his own powers of persuasion could have influenced FDR to turn the country over to somebody else, and concentrate on his health and family. FDR’s health deteriorated rapidly after the election. He would not live to see the end of WWII. Convalescing in Warm Spring, Georgia on April, 12, 1945; he collapsed and died of cerebral hemorrhage. His body was transported from Georgia to Washington D. C. and from there to Hyde Park, N. Y. for burial. Hundreds of thousands of people came to pay their respects during this final journey, attesting to the fact that he was considered the hero and savior of the 20th century (Boyer, P. et. al. (2008). Congress did limit the terms of a president to two terms shortly after FDR’s death. Actually, the Republican Party started legislation on this subject four years earlier, at the time of the last election. They did not pursue it on the grounds of seeming petty during the election. Over the decades the subject â€Å"FDR†, private life, political life and all his accomplishments, good or bad, would be studied by economists, politicians, and academics as well as students like us. One such example is a Policy Review interview of several students asked to compare the Contract with America which the 1995, 104th Congress and House Speaker Newt Gingrich promised to deliver in less than 100 days with FDR’s New Deal. The Author would like to show Quotes to prove several points. Sally C. Pipes, President of Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy â€Å"Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and the new Republican House Leadership deserve thanks and congratulations for the successful completion of the Contract with America. What a revolutionary series of events has taken place! With the Contract, a promise to the American people was made; in a little less than the promised hundred days, the promise was kept. Of what other Congress in this Century can that be said? † (Pitney, 1995) Mike Siegel, Former president of the National Association of Radio Talk Show Hosts. â€Å"The Contract with America committed the House Republicans to raising and voting on each of the Contract Items. This was accomplished and should be considered a major shift from politics as usual (Pitney, 1995). † Deroy Murdock, President of Loud & Clear Communication. â€Å"Assuming the Senate and President Clinton cooperate, the enactment of most Contract items, per se, will not influence American politics as profoundly as did FDR in his First Hundred Days. However, the paradigm shift that has accompanied the Contract likely will parallel the new thinking that FDR inspired 62 years ago. † (Pitney, 1995) Mona Charen, Nationally syndicated columnist. â€Å"The First Hundred Days of the Republican majority were like a laser show—full of color and sound, but so fast and furious that it was difficult for voters to single out the benefits of tort reform, welfare reform, or regulatory reform. † (Pitney, 1995) Jeff Jacoby, Nationally syndicated columnist for the Boston Globe. â€Å"So, no, in terms of legislation completed, Gingrich’s First Hundred Days don’t compare with FDR’s. So thoroughly did Gingrich and his army upend that piece of conventional wisdom, that by the end of a hundred days, Bill Clinton was reduced to insisting he still mattered. â€Å"The President,† he sniffled in a mid-April press conference, â€Å"is relevant here. † (Pitney, 1995) William A. Rusher, Former publisher of National Review. â€Å"The First Hundred Days of the new House Republican Leaders will deserve that well-worn adjective â€Å"historic† even if relatively few of the measures listed in their Contract with America ever become law in the form they recognize (Pitney, 1995). † Burton W. Folsom Jr. , Senior Fellow in Economic Education at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Michigan. â€Å"The House Republican Leadership did most of what it said it would do in the Contract with America. The Republican Contract was a conscious, thoughtful, and usually coherent plan that went from campaign document to legislative writ. The New Deal was improvisational and contradictory right from the start. † (Pitney, 1995) John J Pitney, JR. Associate professor of government at Claremont McKenna College. â€Å"The House GOP’s First Hundred Day compared badly with FDR’s. Although all the items in the Contract With America reached the House floor, only two of them became law before the hundredth day. By contrast, FDR signed bushels of bills during the Hundred Days of 1933. Crisis is the great lubricant of the legislative process, and the economic calamities of FDR’s early days briefly suspended Capitol Hill’s normal Friction. Government has become tangled in its own red tape. † (Pitney, 1995) The Author would like to point out, that there is hardly mention of the president of this time and then only to point out that he was left out of the loop. Apparently the House Speaker and the Republican majority in Congress decided they could upstage a Democratic President with a style of government by one of its own party example. As shown, none of the interviewees have lied, but it was entertaining to read just how much of the story a particular party adherent brings to light to prove his point of view. Clearly, the more is known of the story, the worse the scenario of the Contract With America sounds. We have just had a historical presidential election. If FDR started with having blacks, women and other minorities in high office, this country as a whole just elected a black man into the White house. In 1995 Congress took up FDR’s ideology but tried to upend the hierarchy. Since then the Country’s problems have just gotten worse. Again the cry has started and the president has taken up the challenge and stated publicly that he would use some of FDR’s strategies. Immediately the media, economists and scholars exploded with the similarities of the state of the country then and now, advice and warnings to the administration. We are closer to the FDR era state of the economy, the sharp rise in unemployment, the near collapse of the banking industry and the essential pessimism of the population. FDR’s overall message is less caution and more boldness. The congress will also have a democratic majority next year and one of the most liberal caucuses ever, which should facilitate cooperation by past experience. Together with the lubricant of crisis stated earlier should help (Schlesinger, 2009). Two other similarities are contributed to Barack Obama. He unusually charismatic person and is a great speaker, which should help him guide the general public through this crisis. He has surrounded himself with an experienced staff, headed by â€Å"101st Senator† Rouse. To get his agenda passed, he just needs to convince Congress to take some political risks (Drum, 2008). There is hardly any advice this Author can offer that has not already been offered by persons more qualified other than hope. Hope that lessons have been learned from history and similar situations. God knows this country has had most imaginable, and the Baker College Corporate Services. (2016, Nov 23).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tui Na Massage and regular massage for Article

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tui Na Massage and regular massage for the treatment of pediatric and adolescent issues - Article Example healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies that mainstream Western (conventional) medicine does not commonly use, accept, study, understand, or make available.† It also stated that CAM on its own can be an alternative to orthodox therapies or as a supplement to mainstream medicine whit the purpose of alleviating conditions and/ or promote healthy lifestyle. A good example of CAM would be Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that has its beginnings in China for more than thousands of years. According to the National Institutes of Health, TCM â€Å" is considered is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in the United States†. TCM employs different treatments such as massage, herbal remedies, moxibustion, cupping and acupuncture. However, the purpose of this discussion to enlighten the public on the role of TCM in addressing pediatric and adolescents issues, particularly musculoskeletal problems. The developmental stage of childhood up to adolescence presents a challenge to Orthopedic practitioners. The National Center for Health Statistics, in its National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey in 2003 revealed that â€Å"no less than 8 million children under 20 musculoskeletal injuries in 2003 â€Å". It is no wonder then that childhood musculoskeletal injuries are seriously considered as a major problem by The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS). The musculoskeletal problems can be grouped into two categories: congenital or developmental. Developmental conditions are usually attributed to injuries which stems from childhood obesity and lack of inactivity. On the other hand, excessive physical activity from sports activities can also cause problems. Moreover, diseases and infections can also contribute to the development of musculoskeletal problems in children and adolescents. For some years now, TCM has contributed in aiding pediatric cases as well as adolescents with musculoskeletal problems. The following areas of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Advertising - Essay Example Moreover, she is worried about persuading people to try her new venture which actually indicates that she needs proper advertising campaign. Darla would be offering her services to the working individuals, elderly neighbors and people who are advised to take healthy meals instead of regular restaurant food. In favor of startup advertising expenses Darla has already acquired a loan of  £10,000. This amount would be enough for her to hire an advertising agency though later on she will have to invest more since advertising agencies with better services are usually expensive. She will gain a significant return of investment because the advertising agency will help Darla in recognizing distinctive needs of her target customers. She will be facilitated by marketing experts who actually know how to create awareness about a new business (Koekemoer, 2004). However, if Darla fails to hire an advertising agency then she will have to conduct the entire advertising campaign herself which includes creative designing, media concepts, group selection etc. (Koekemoer, 2004). This will require more monetary support whereas Darla would not be able to reach mass population. Hence her future profits, company sales and market share will be greatly influenced. Moreover, in-house marketing campaign will not facilitate Darla in facing the intense market competition. As discussed above that Darla’s primary concern is to create awareness about ‘I’ll cook for you’ products and services. She can achieve this objective through the diverse advertising functions of different agencies (Gunelius, 2014): Researchers have also argued that brand awareness is the most essential element for any business because it communicates the existence of a business (Macdonald, 2003). Customers cannot purchase goods especially food until they are aware about the brand. However, selecting the option of advertising agencies will also create certain issues for

Monday, August 26, 2019

See word Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

See word - Assignment Example Florida Christian School is a well-structured Christian school created by Christian around Miami. The school is strategically located in Miami Dade County and easily accessible by the community around. It is located at  4200 SW 89th Ave. It provides Christian based academic skills and knowledge of Miami and other Christian communities across the country. The school formulates payment structure and competitive fees that best suits the community around Miami. The pricing strategy applied by the institution attracts many parents to offer their children into this institution. To enhance its competitive advantage in an academic institution, Florida offers a multiple child discount for additional siblings enrolled in the institution who live in the same household. In this perspective, a 10 percent discount is provided for each second child enrolled 20 percent reduction to the third child and 30 percent reduction of fee payment to the fourth child. On the other hand, the institution provides an annual plan that offers a 6 percent reduction of the annual fee if payment is made in full by June 1st. The institution is very innovative in establishing promotional activities that increase the institution’s brand name in the community and across the country. In this respect, the institution created a website link that is easily accessible to potential international students and parents. On the other hand, the institution produces periodic journals distributed to parents and other stakeholders. In an attempt to reach into more communities, the institution selected a unique color matching of its uniform with institution logo and other relevant information on it. Concisely, the institution is well positioned in the market to attract parents and to gain competitive advantage. Its main core competence in providing Christian based education and pocket friendly fee

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

BUS599 - Integrative Project, Mod 3 SLP - Essay Example The X7 tablets have been designed for those consumers who are concerned about both the performance as well as the price of these tablets. The company performs a CVP analysis with the aim of making valuable decisions in order to determine its sales volume of the aforementioned products along with profit margin is an effective manner (CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, 2013) This discussion will emphasize upon the strategies that need to be formulated as well as implemented in relation to prices and research and development (R&D) for enhancing the performance of the company. Moreover, the formulation of the strategies that implemented by Clipboard on the basis of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis will also be discussed. Time Warp 2 and CVP Analysis In order to determine the revised strategy comprising the prices, R&D allocation and any product discontinuations for different ranges of tablets of the company, the strategy of ‘Cost-volume-profit’ (CVP) analysis can be taken into co ncern. In this similar concern, the strategy of CVP analysis is regarded as a tool that is chiefly used for planning as well as making valuable decisions. Moreover, it is considered as a powerful instrument for devising future plans as well as developing strategies for increasing the sale of the products of the company. One of the major advantages of this tool is that it will enable the company to make appropriate decisions as well as plans for developing the three products in the business market at the beginning of the initial year i.e. 2012 (The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2011). The strategy of CVP analysis has been generally used for calculating break-even point as well as determining the prices for attaining substantial profits by increasing the sale of the products (Cambridge Business Publishers, 2005). Thus, with the assistance of CVP analysis, the company is required to formulate strategies as well as plans in order to improve the profitability as well as productivity in comparis on with Joe Schmoe. The profit of Joe Schmoe has been identified to be amounted to $ 1,431,666,391 for the four years i.e. 2012 to 2016. Conversely, the main focus of Clipboard is to formulate effective strategy with the objective of obtaining profits in excess of Joe. Product X5 The tablets X5 have been in the market for five years and it is considered to be in a stage of maturity. The X5 products have been quite price sensitive that assists the company in meeting the demands of the consumers who are price conscious. In this respect, if the prices of X5 products are reduced, then the sales of these products will enhance in an effective manner. In this regard, the prices of X5 products need to be reduced in order to increase sales. Moreover, the value of price as well as R&D along with target profit are required to be taken into concern in CVP calculator with the objective of determining sales volume for accomplishing desired target profits. In this similar context, it can be affirm ed that the CVP analysis depicts that the product X5 will be offered in the market for only two years and then it will be discontinued for the reason of acquiring substantial profits. This is owing to the reason that the company may experience loss in continuing the selling X5 product in the market. The CVP analysis of the company for X5 product is performed below. Product X6 The product X6 has been in the marke

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Any story about the contract applying the terminology of the contracts Essay

Any story about the contract applying the terminology of the contracts in the law - Essay Example Enrick wanted to buy a car. He found out that Mr. Edmund a mechanic who works with General live stores wanted to sell his car. On contacting him, Mr. Edmund agreed to sell his car and hence was the offeror while, Mr. Enrick became the offeree (Twomey and Jennings, 291). An offeror is the person intending to sell their goods. An offeree is the one intending to buy the car. Therefore, Mr.Edmund gave the offer to Mr. Enrick. An offer is the unequivocal manifestation by one of the parties about their intentions to enter into a contact with the other party. An offer may take various forms. It may be written, verbal or merely implied (Twomey and Jennings, 368, 369). A written offer is put into writing while a verbal offer is made when the two parties communicate their intentions through the word of mouth. The two parties to the contract were adults had the capacity to contract (Twomey and Jennings, 308). They had the capacity to contract because they had the legal rights to enter into a le gally binding agreement. During one evening, through a phone call, Mr. Enrick declared his interest to buy the car. The declaration to buy the car demonstrated his interest to get into the contract. However, the contract was a void contract. This is because the contract was not enforceable by law. ... Acceptance of a contract is the expression of complete or unconditional agreement to all the terms set out in the offer (Twomey and Jennings, 294). For the contract between Mr. Enrick and Mr. Edmund to be regarded legal and binding, it has to have express or implied terms. Express terms refer to the terms the parties adverted to during negotiation and agreed. In this case, written terms prevail over the unwritten terms of a contact. Implied terms are terms did not expressly incorporate into the contract, but were only implied. They can also be implied by the acts of parliament (Twomey and Jennings, 384). One evening Mr. Edmund invited Mr. Enrick to a dinner party in which they discussed the mode of payment that would be used to pay for the car, and other formalities that would be essential for the performance of the contract. Performance of contract occurs when the individuals within the contract ensure that they carry out their duties as stipulated in the contract (Twomey and Jennin gs, 411). The formalities that the two parties could have entered into must be in line with the law governing the country. It was agreed that the payment would be made through cash whereby a down payment would be made first, and the rest would be paid later when Mr. Enrick gets the car under his care and in good condition. Mr. Edmund promised to exercise due diligence to ensure that the car was in good order and was delivered at the appropriate time. Mr. Edmund was supposed to exercise due diligence since he has knowledge on the repair of vehicles and hence had a duty of ensuring that the car met all the needs of Mr. Enrick and was properly functioning. During negotiations, Mr. Enrick sought to know the details and any information regarding the offer. The request

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Aristolochic Acid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Aristolochic Acid - Essay Example 'Aristolochic acid is a rodent carcinogen found in the Aristolochia and Asarum species, both in the Aristolochiaceae family of plants such as the Aristolochia fangchi' [1]. Botanicals Known or Suspected to Contain Aristolochic Acid [4] Botanical Name* Common or Other Names Aristolochia spp. Aristolochia Guan mu tong Guang mu tong Aristolochia acuminata Lam. Syn. Aristolochia tagala Champ. Oval leaf Dutchman's pipe Aristolochia argentina Griseb. Aristolochia baetica Linn. Syn. Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. Aristolochia bracteata Retz. Ukulwe Aristolochia chilensis Bridges in Lindl. Aristolochia cinnabarina C.Y. Cheng & J.L. Wu Aristolochia clematitis L. Birthwort Aristolochia contorta Bunge Ma dou ling Tian xian teng Aristolochia cymbifera Mart. & Zucc. Mil homens Aristolochia debilis Siebold & Zucc. Syn. Aristolochia longa Thunb. Syn. Aristolochia recurvilabra Hance Syn. Aristolochia sinarum Lindl. Ma dou ling Tian xian teng Qing mu xiang Sei-mokkou (Japanese) Birthwort Long birthwort Aristolochia elegans Mast. Syn. Aristolochia hassleriana Chodat Aristolochia esperanzae Kuntze Aristolochia fangchi Y.C. Wu ex L.D. Chow & S.M. Hwang Guang fang ji Fang ji Mokuboi (Japanese) Kwangbanggi (Korean) Fang chi Kou-boui (Japanese) Aristolochia fimbriata Cham. Aristolochia indica L. Indian birthwort Aristolochia kaempferi Willd. Syn. Aristolochia chrysops (Stapf) E.H. Wilson ex Rehder Syn. Aristolochia feddei H. Lv. Syn. Aristolochia heterophylla Hemsl. Syn. Aristolochia mollis Dunn Syn. Aristolochia setchuenensis Franch. Syn. Aristolochia shimadai Hayata Syn. Aristolochia thibetica Franch. Syn. Isotrema chrysops Stapf Syn. Isotrema heterophylla (Hemsl.) Stapf Syn. Isotrema lasiops Stapf Yellowmouth Dutchman's... Aristolochic acid (AA) is a known genotoxic mutagen and is generally derived from plant extracts and is formed from aristolochic acid I (AAI) and aristolochic acid II (AAII), [20, 22, 17, 25] it is potentially carcinogenic to most rodent species [12, 13, 5, 25] and in humans [6, 15, 25]. The formation of DNA adducts by Aristolochic acid (AA) gives it it's mutagenic and carcinogenic properties, due to the process of reductive metabolic activation where both types of AA's (AA I and AA II) react with the nucleic acids adenine and guanine [18, 19, 25]. Specimen exists at New York Botanical Gardens. Tropicos does not list this species as a synonym for any Thottea species. Kew Gardens Herbarium does not recognize the genera Bragantia. Until additional information is obtained we will use the name as cited in J. Nat. Products 45:657-666 (1982) Using a laboratory-made pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) method set at the dynamic mode, Aristolochic acids I and II can be extracted from medicinal plants. If the intended extracts will be extracted from medicinal plants, spiking (addition of enzymes or other catalytic substances) will not be done, but ultrasonic and Sohxlet extraction will both be done to determine the accuracy of the techniques.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Love Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Love - Case Study Example Horstman’s Law of Project Management† this may not be as difficult as it seems since â€Å".Tools and accessibility are better today than they’ve ever been.† The next issue to consider is regarding the cost of RIFD. According to the 4th paragraph of the 2nd page, the library has about 2,170,471 resources and Mr. Sidkoro must consider the cost of implementing and installing RIFD on all of those resources. That amount of cost would be quite an investment to the library due to the sheer amount of their resources. It is best planned on how they are to plot out the purchasing or implementation. The next issue to consider is regarding how they are to implement the RIFD initiative going further. Being that many of their resources are being borrowed in a daily basis. They must have a solid plan on how they are to include all of their resources in the implementation. This must be well planned in order to cover the vast amount of resources they have, also considering that not all of them are present at a given time. All of their plans must be scheduled, and these schedules must be followed religiously as, according to the podcast above, â€Å"The consequences of a missed deadline are – can in some cases be –

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jesus Wants Us to Treat People Equal Essay Example for Free

Jesus Wants Us to Treat People Equal Essay Jesus wants us to treat others as equal. Matthew 22:39 says â€Å"And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself† (James, 1973). Jesus treated people whom he came into contact with as equals. Although he had the power to walk on water, cause the lame to walk and the blind to see. Jesus still thought himself no greater than those that were around them, he loved them all. From the prostitutes, to the thieves and even the tax collectors, Jesus treated us all the same. What that in part tells us is that, we should take time to care for all those who are around us, not just the ones we think are on our level. Whether they may be seniors, peers, or even subordinates. This is not only the right thing to do, but as time move on it allows others to feel more comfortable about us and improves our relationship. Jesus educated them. A lot of workplaces have adopted the unwritten rule of the more you know the more valuable you are. This leads some to believe that information gained should be information held from others. Then, as time passes that person moves on and no one else is knowledge of that job criteria and overall the company fails. Jesus did not believe that, he empowered everyone with the same knowledge that he had. As Christians, we should give everyone the same training and education that we have. Jesus managed from the inside out. Many times we spend time reaching out and pleasing others, that we forget about the ones that are close to us, although we may have good intentions. In the business world, it is best that everyone from the CEO to the janitor know what is going on in the organization. This allows input from all levels that will make the overall mission of the team easier to obtain.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Term Exam Sample Paper Essay Example for Free

Term Exam Sample Paper Essay This sample test should only be used as a guide to the styles of questions. The topics covered here are not exhaustive. Your revision should not be based on these set of questions only. The level of difficulty of this sample test is also NOT indicative of the level of difficulty of the actual test. The answers are provided at the end of the document. 1. A reasonable estimate of the annual standard deviation of return of the stock market would be? a. Less than 5 percent. b. Between 5 and 10 percent. c. Between 15 and 25 percent d. More than 30 percent e. Impossible to estimate 2. A project has an expected cash flow of $200, in year 1. The risk-free rate is 6%, the market rate of return is 16%, and the projects beta is 1. 5. Calculate the certainty equivalent cash flow for year 1. a. $175. 21 b. $164. 29 c. $228. 30 d. $212. 56 e. None of the above 3. Share X has a standard deviation of return of 10%, share Y has a standard deviation of return of 20%. The correlation coefficient between the shares is 0. 5. If you invest 60% of your funds in share X and 40% in share Y, what is the standard deviation of the portfolio? a. 10% b. 20% c. 12. 2% d. 14. 0% e. None of the above 4. Richard Rolls critique of tests of the capital asset pricing model is that: a. Given an efficient market portfolio the CAPM is tautology b. The market portfolio is not efficient c. You need to test the model using the market portfolio for all capital assets d. a and c e. a and b 5. The Template Corporation has an equity beta of 1. 2 and a debt beta of . 8. The firms market value debt to equity ratio is . 6. If it undertakes a new project with the same risk profile, what is the project beta (assuming zero tax rate)? a. 0. 70 b. 0. 72 c. 0. 96 d. 1. 04 e. 1. 05 6. Consider following data on three shares: Share Standard Deviation A 0. 6 B 0. 30 C 0. 20 Beta 1. 00 0. 80 1. 29 Assuming that you wished to minimise risk, you would select share if the share was held in on its own, and you would select share if the share was to be added to a portfolio. a b c d e 7. A, A A, B B, A B, C C, A In a portfolio of three different shares, which of the following is NOT possible? a. b. c. d. e. The ris k of the portfolio is less than the risk of each of the shares held in isolation. The risk of the portfolio is greater than the risk of one of the shares. The beta of the portfolio is less than the beta of each of the individual shares. The beta of the portfolio is greater than the beta of one of the individual shares betas. The standard deviation of the portfolio is greater than the standard deviation of the risk free asset. 8. You hold a diversified portfolio consisting of 20 different shares with $1,000 invested in each. The portfolio beta is equal to 1. 35. You have decided to sell all your holding of Edna Average Cosmetics Ltd which has a beta of 1. You will reinvest the proceeds in Aggressive Action Ltd which has a beta of 2. What is the new beta of the portfolio? a. b. c. d. e. 1. 35 2. 35 1. 45 1. 10 1. 40 9. A company is considering an investment in a new project. That project is best evaluated as though: a. b. c. d. e. It is a stand alone project independent of the company and so its risk is measured as variance. Its risk is adjusted to allow for diversification with the companies existing projects Its cost of capital is the weighted average cost of capital Its risk is evaluated as though it were traded in the capital markets None of the above 10 Is the portfolio with the minimum possible variance an efficient portfolio? a. b. c. d. e. Yes No Yes, but only for risk loving investors Yes, but only for investors who will not take any risk. Yes, but only for investors who are risk neutral. 11. For a two-stock portfolio, the maximum reduction in risk occurs when the correlation coefficient between the two stocks is: A) +1 B) 0 C) -0. 5 D) -1 E) None of the above 12. The variance or standard deviation is a measure of: A) Total risk B) Unique risk C) Market risk D) Bankruptcy risk E) None of the above 13. The risk of a well diversified portfolio depends upon the A) Market risk B) Unique risk of the securities included in the portfolio C) Number of securities in the portfolio D) Variance of the portfolio E) None of the above 4. A factor in APT is a variable that: A) Affects the return of risky assets in a systematic manner B) Correlates with risky asset returns in an unsystematic manner C) Is purely noise D) Affects the return of a risky asset in a random manner E) is generally not correlated with stock returns 15. A company has a cost of capital of 15%. However, it is introducing a new product that it considers to be a ver y risky endeavour to a well diversified investor. What can you say about the appropriate discount rate for the project? A) The rate used should be 15% B) The rate used should be lower than 15% C) The rate used should be greater than 15% D) Any rate between 12% and 18% is acceptable E) The rate should be the expected market return. 16 What has been the average annual rate of return in real terms for a portfolio of U. S. common stocks between 1900 and 2006? a. Less than 2% b. Between 2% and 5% c. Between 5% and 8% d. Greater than 8% e. Greater than 20% 17. Mega Corporation has the following returns for the past three years: 8%, 12% and 10%. Calculate the variance of the return and the standard deviation of the returns.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Prefrontal Cortex And Antisocial Behaviour Psychology Essay

The Prefrontal Cortex And Antisocial Behaviour Psychology Essay Todays society, where antisocial behaviour is seen in children and adults, seems to exhibit a greater need to understand its underlying causes. Ones ability to act in an appropriate manner in a given social context is quite unique to humans; along with the ability to reason and make conscious decisions. Therefore, it seems to suggest that such civilised behaviours are dictated by an area of the brain seen in only the most developed. Research into antisocial behaviour implicates the prefrontal cortex; an area of the frontal lobe involved in decision-making and the ability to inhibit undesirable social responses. The research to be discussed in this essay looks at how prefrontal cortex dysfunction affects judgement and how this, in turn, contributes to the decision to behave antisocially. History is littered with cases of individuals whose behaviour changes drastically as the result of brain damage, however, these only represent patients in which brain functioning develops normally. Anderson, Bechara, Damasio, Tranel and Damasio (1999) presented the case of two individuals in which normal brain development was prevented by damage caused primarily to the prefrontal cortex before the age of sixteen months. This study involved a comparison between adult and early-onset patients to assess the differences caused by the repressed development of the prefrontal cortex. Findings show that the two different categories of patients were very similar in social impairments but the distinction can be seen in the fact that early-onset patients lacked the social and moral reasoning of the adults, hence suggesting that development of social and moral principles had been affected. This implies that the prefrontal cortex is involved in the ability to make socially acceptable and moral de cisions which are then applied in making appropriate behavioural responses. Much research in this area makes use of diagnosed Psychopathic individuals (condition characterised by extreme antisocial behaviour towards others). Yang and Raine (2009) conducted a meta-analysis of 43 cases of varying ranges of antisocial behaviour- including psychopaths. Not only do the findings support the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in antisocial behaviour- increased antisocial behaviour is linked to reduced function of several prefrontal regions- but they propose some localisation of antisocial aspects in specific sub-regions of the cortex. They hypothesised that activity reduction in areas such as the orbitofrontal region are affiliated with emotional impairments and decision-making deficits, whereas, dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex dysfunction is more associated with characteristic impulsivity. Furthermore, brain imaging has highlighted orbitofrontal involvement in the reliving of one particular emotion known to underlie behavioural decisions: guilt (Wagner, NDiaye, Ethofer and Vuilleumier, 2011). Yang and Raines (2009) theory seems to explain how prefrontal damage can account for a variety of behavioural aspects that fall under the umbrella term of antisocial. Psychopathy has also been linked to discrepancies in the process of moral judgement by way of amygdala and orbitofrontal/ventromedial prefrontal cortex (Blair, 2007). Blair (2007) theorises that the reduction in care-based morality seen in psychopaths can be explained in terms of dysfunction of the amygdala and ventromedial l prefrontal cortex as these are involved in learning and reinforcement; in that aversive reinforcement prevents a person making immoral decisions. However, dysfunction in those with psychopathic tendencies means that such forms of learning do not occur and so they become unable to make moral decisions: leading to immoral behaviours. Verification is provided by Marsh, Finger, Fowler, Jurkowitz, Schechter, Yu, Pine and Blair (2011) who conducted brain imaging studies on patients with psychopathic traits whilst getting them to participate in a moral task. Although, by their own admission, the moral task was fairly minor, the results show that participants had reduce d activity between the orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala during task completion (Marsh et al, 2011). This seemingly supports Blair (2007) in linking deficiencies of the two brain regions to moral judgment and psychopathic behaviour. Damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex has further been linked to moral decision making in terms of beliefs about harmful intent behind certain behaviours. Young, Bechera, Tranel, Damasio, Hauser and Damasio (2010) conducted a study on patients with bilateral damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in which they manipulated scenarios to depict varying degrees of harm: (intentional harm, deliberate-unsuccessful harm). They found that relative to healthy controls, participants judged accidental harms more severely than unsuccessful yet intentional harm. According to Young et al. (2010) participants came to this conclusion by neglecting negative behavioural intent and focusing only on the outcomes. Hence, it seems that damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, impairs an individuals ability to make moral decisions regarding behavioural intent. This has powerful implications: perhaps antisocial behaviour displayed in those with prefrontal dysfunction is born out of the ina bility to recognise the harmful intent behind their actions, especially if the outcome is something they perceive as desirable. In conclusion, the role of prefrontal cortex dysfunction in antisocial behaviour is corroborated in extensive research which suggests its involvement is not limited to one specific aspect of the behaviour, nor one particular brain sub-region. This appears to make the argument more comprehensive than if such complex behaviour was specified to one region alone. The prefrontal cortex seems to be involved in the motivation behind behaviours and the judgements that affect behavioural decisions. Therefore, dysfunction of the area leads to immoral decision making which causes the individuals to behave in ways that can be classed as antisocial (such as those behaviours shown by psychopaths). Particular involvement seems to be of the orbitofrontal region in influencing moral and emotional decisions into undesirable behavioural outcomes. Furthermore, connectional dysfunction of the area with other brain areas has been linked to learning processes involved in morality (Blair, 2007). This seems to explain the inability to learn what is considered morally right and wrong: shown in those with damage obtained in infancy (Anderson, Bechara, Damasio, Tranel and Damasio, 1999). Whatever its role, vast research support for prefrontal cortex dysfunction in antisocial behaviour somewhat validates its involvement and may question the extent to which an individual can be held accountable for such actions- which could have societal repercussions.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Macbeth As A Tragic Character :: essays research papers

In all genres of literature, there are numerous character types one might encounter. Some bring humor or comic relief to a more serious plot, while others bring both pity and fear to the minds of the audience. A tragic character is one who shows characteristics above normality, while simultaneously giving evidence to the audience concerning his or her tragic flaw that causes the character’s life to end in an abnormal state of events. â€Å"A tragic situation exists precisely when virtue does not triumph but when it is still felt that man is nobler than the forces which destroy him.† (George Orwell, Columbia Dictionary of Quotations) In a tragedy the main character rises to greatness, then continues to fall down a shame spiral, which leads to his or her downfall. Throughout his regression from life as a decent and moral man, to becoming indifferent to what is fair and what is foul, Macbeth brought both an immense tragic fate onto himself as well as creating tragedy in th e lives of his peers. Macbeth regressed from being a decent, moral man, to someone closely resembling a devil, who could make no distinction between good and evil. Macbeth became so engrossed in himself as well as the prophecies that were laid upon him by the three witches, that he became indifferent to the thoughts and feelings of the people around him, who once considered themselves to be this demon’s friend. The process of this tragedy was slow to let the audience become comfortable with the power and happiness of the main character. Then, suddenly, signs appeared, foreshadowing an imminent climax as the main character headed toward his inexorable fate. As the play begins a battle ensues between King Duncan of Scotland and Macdonwald of Norway. Macbeth fights bravely on Scotland's side, killing Macdonwald himself. King Duncan hears of Macbeth's brave and noble qualities, crowning him the new Thane of Cawdor. The king states that the old Thane should not device, "... Our bosom interest: go pronounce his present death, And with his former title greet Macbeth." (I ii 63-65) Macbeth is hostile to accept the rank, because earlier three witches prophesied that the new hero would become Thane of Cawdor even though there was one at that time. Since Macbeth was crowned Thane of Cawdor, Banquo and Macbeth believe that the three weird sisters are able to correctly tell them their fate.

California v Carney :: essays research papers

California v. Carney involves a Drug Enforcement Agency Agent, Robert Williams, who was observing respondent, Charles Carney, as he approached a youth in downtown San Diego. Having received previous information that that particular motor home was being used to exchange sex for marijuana, Williams accompanied by other agents kept the motor home under surveillance (Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King, p 260, 2002). During the time that the agent had Carney under surveillance, he saw Carney bring the youth back to his motor home, which was parked in a lot (Kamisar, et al., p 260, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After approximately an hour and fifteen minutes the youth exited the motor home. The youth was then stopped by the agents who engaged him in conversation. At this point the youth told the agents that he had received marijuana in return for allowing Carney sexual contact (Kamisar, et al., p 260, 2002). Cooperating with the agents, the youth returned to the motor home and knocked on the door. When the respondent stepped out one of the agents entered the home without having a warrant or any form of consent. Inside the agent saw marijuana, and a following investigation at the precinct exposed more marijuana. Charles Carney was charged with ownership of marijuana for sale (Kamisar, et al., p 260, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In California v. Carney, the California Supreme Court questioned if the warrant less search of the respondent’s motor home violate his Fourth Amendments right to privacy. After his motion to exclude the evidence found in the motor home was denied, the California Supreme Court held that the search of the motor home was unreasonable and that the motor vehicle exception to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment did not apply to this case. They reasoned that the expectations of privacy in a motor home are more reminiscent of those in a private residence than in a vehicle (Kamisar, et al., p 260-61, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The court was able to some to this conclusion based on the idea that the â€Å"expectations of privacy in a motor home are more like those of a home rather than a car because the most important function of motor homes is not to endow with transportation but to provide the occupant with living quarters† (Kamisar, et al., p 261-62, 2002). The Fourth Amendment protects the â€Å"right of the people to be secure on their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures† (Gpo.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Diary Entries for Juliet :: Papers

Diary Entries for Juliet Dear Diary, My time has come, I knew it would come soon, I am soon to be married. I don't know what to do or what to think. When I was told the news my life flashed before my eyes, I saw myself in a loveless marriage, sitting at home in old clothes, slaving over a hot stove all day and looking after the children, what kind of a future is that? Getting married is an honour, because it shows you are wanted and the older you are the less likely you are to get married and your parents will have to look after you. I don't want to disappoint my parents, but I truly feel marriage, at this stage in my life, is not what I want. I am not ready to make such a commitment. The man I am meant to marry I'm to meet at this party my father is throwing. I am supposed to like him, what happens if I don't? Even if I like him, I certainly don't want to marry him. My father, I think, will give me some say in the matter, after all it is my life and he is meant to love and respect me. My nanny is more like my mother, my mother and father weren't around much when I was growing up and I feel a really strong bond between the nanny and I and she will support me whatever I choose, if I get to choose. This party is going to be the worst yet, I'm not even bothered about what I'm going to wear. Also I can't enjoy myself because I know soon I could marry, possibly to someone who is not right for me. Come to think of it I know nothing about this man, how is the marriage supposed to last anyway? HELP! I can hear my mother calling, got to go. Juliet Dear Diary, Romeo, Romeo, I am in love with Romeo, not with the man my dad picked, Paris.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

My Paper

Movies are everywhere, but the Harry Potter movies have much in common with the Twilight saga. I love watching a wide variety of movies and have noticed that the two movie series that I love the most are Harry Potter and Twilight. These two series are alike in many ways, they were both born based off of books, they both have mythical characters in them, however they also have differences, Twilight is more of a love story and Harry Potter is more of an action-based movie. In both series the age of the actors are based on teenagers coming into adulthood and facing trouble throughout their journey.They are all in the same age group of seventeen and eighteen when the last movie is finished. Both movies are about young adults facing danger and living to tell the story. In Harry Potter you have young Harry finding out he is a wizard, then moving to the wizard school Hogwarts to learn how to control his magic. The movies start with him as an eleven year old boy living with his aunt and uncl e who treat him like a servant. He finds out that his parents were murdered by Lord Voldemort. He grows up throughout the seven movies until he is seventeen and faced with the fact that he has to fight Lord Voldemort to the death.Twilight begins with Bella Swan, a seventeen year old girl moving to her fathers in Forks, Washington where she meets Edward Cullen and his family of vampires. Edward is also seventeen although he has been seventeen for over ninety years. Bella becomes a vampire after she turns eighteen and has married Edward. Robert Pattinson has played characters in both movies. He plays the part of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potters the Goblet of Fire. He plays the character of Edward Cullen in Twilight. Both series are based off of books which are very popular with today’s youth as well as young adults. Each series has more than on book.Harry Potter has seven books in the series which are named: The Sorcerer’s Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Az kaban, The Goblet of Fire, The Order of the Phoenix, Half Blood Prince, and The Deathly Hollows. Twilight has four books in their saga which are: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. Both were made to keep the reader’s interested and wanting more when they were finished watching the movie. If someone were to watch the first movie they would have to see the rest to find out what happens in the end. Do they live happily ever after? Does Harry win against Voldemort? Does Bella become a vampire?Do Edward and Bella stay together in the end? These are all questions asked after watching the first movie of each series. The movies were finally made to put a face to the character so that fans could see who the book was talking about from the beginning. It is always easier to read a book that has a movie made after it so that you can have a face to go with the name of the characters in the book. The final book to each series has been split into a two part movie to keep the su spense going in the movie. Even though most already know what will happen it is a bit more fun to see it happen on the television or on a theater screen.Harry says in the last movie to Ollivander the wizard that gave him his first wand, â€Å"You talk about wands as if they have feelings. † There are mythical characters in each movie, in Harry Potter there are witches, wizards, elves, giants, centaurs, werewolves, and others. Harry Potter was mainly about witches and wizards although they brought up the other mythical characters throughout all of the movies. They had teacher’s that were a werewolf and a giant. There were mermaids in the lake, centaurs in the forest, and elves at both the school and the wizard bank. The Twilight movies are based on vampires and werewolves.Both movies have interesting characters, such as Ron Weasley whom is Harry’s best friend, Hagrid whom is a giant that teaches at Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore who is the head master. Dumbledore said, â€Å"It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but it takes a great deal more to stand up to your friends,† In the Sorcerer’s Stone. From Twilight there is Emmett Cullen whom is always having fun at Bella’s expense. He is always laughing at her clumsiness and mortality there is Alice who is graceful, fun loving and carefree. Alice also sees the future of those around her.Those visions can be changed, depending on the path that the person takes. Then there is Jasper, he can sense other people’s emotions as well as control the emotions in a room to keep others calm. They both have a battle scene in the last scene of each movie. Harry is constantly battling with Lord Voldemort in one way or another throughout all of the movies. He has the final battle in the Deathly Hollows part two where the wizard world fights as one to be rid of Lord Voldemort and his followers. In Twilight Bella, Edward and the Cullen’s constantly battl e other vampires to keep them from hurting Bella.The use the help of Jacob Black and his pack of werewolves to defeat new born vampires that are after Bella along with in the last movie Breaking Dawn part two they have to bring witnesses together to prove that Bella gave birth to a half-vampire half-human daughter to Edward. Alice sees a future of the Cullen’s becoming extinct because the Vulturi have been told that Bella and Edward made a vampire child when she is actually their biological daughter. These two movies are also different in many ways a few of these differences are that Harry Potter is about a young boy constantly having to fight for his life and the lives of others.The prophecy that led to Harry’s destiny is, â€Å"Neither can live while the other survives,† told by Professor Sybell Trewlawney. It speaks of Harry and Lord Voldemort also known as Tom Riddle. Harry Potter is more of a man vs. man whereas Twilight is more of a love story. It is a boy meets girl they fall in love even though Bella knows that Edward is a vampire, they fight to keep one another. Bella said, â€Å"Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone that you loved,† at the end of Twilight.There are many people all over the world debating on what is different between the two movie series. They are not as different as people say. The fans that like Harry Potter also like Twilight, the fans are also from all age groups not necessarily just teenagers and young adults. These two series have brought a large group of people together to read these books as well as watch the movies. Every fan has seen all of both series movies more than once as well as read all of the books to each series. These movies will always be on most peoples watch list.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Evaluation of equality and diversity in childcare Essay

The evaluation has just been published of the Pre-School Education Initiative for Children from Minority Groups. The initiative, which the Government funded through the Dormant Accounts Fund, involved training and mentoring for early childhood educators in diversity and equality practice, using the Anti-Bias Education approach. The evaluation found the approach to be very effective in achieving positive change. The anti-bias approach supports educators to reflect critically on their practice. In Ireland it informed the development of the à ©ist project, which in turn influenced the recent initiative. Its goals are to: Support children’s identity (individual and group) and their sense of belonging. Foster children’s empathy and support them to be comfortable with differences between children. Encourage each child to think about diversity and bias. Empower children to stand up for themselves and others in difficult situations. It’s an approach that fits well with both the Sà ­olta national quality framework and the Aistear curriculum framework. The principles of Sà ­olta state that â€Å"equality is an essential characteristic of quality early childhood care and education†, and that quality settings â€Å"respect diversity and have their individual, personal, cultural and linguistic identity validated†. Similarly, nurturing equality and diversity is one of the 12 principles of Aistear, and â€Å"identity and belonging† is one of its four themes. Fundamentally, the anti-bias approach does not focus on additional supports for children from minority groups, but on changing mainstream practice so that the uniqueness of every child is recognised and supported, and so that the differences between all children are respected. That’s why equality and diversity are so central to high quality practice – they benefit all children. The Pre-School Education Initiative involved training and mentoring of staff in 160 early care and education settings, spread across nearly all counties, in 2011-2012. Building on the work of the Equality and Diversity Early Childhood Network (EDeNn), the initiative was implemented through the City and County Childcare Committees, and was the first time the training was delivered at a national level.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

History and Philosophy Essay

The Federalist is the greatest contribution ever made on the Constitution of United States. According to Chief Justice John Marshall in the case Cohen’s v. Virginia (1821) ‘The Federalist is a complete commentary on our Constitution. ’ Since 1790 lawyers, politicians, students and even judges have all studied The Federalist to know more about the Constitutional issues. In United States the ideas of The Federalist are at the heart of the civic culture. Work on The federalist papers was started in 1787 and finished in 1788. It was written to contradict the arguments of the Anti-federalist against the ratification of the U. S Constitution in 1787. This work was originated by Alexander Hamilton who wrote 51 essays of this literature. Another author was James Madison who wrote 26 essays and the remaining were written jointly by the two and by John Jay. Overall, The Federalist comprises of 85 essays written by three authors who wanted to persuade the voters to support them in ratifying the proposed constitution of U. S. In their papers these three people outlined how this new government will operate and what type of government is best for United States. These papers were written and published under the name Publius. Although Hamilton, Madison and Jay had different and at times conflicting ideas about the government they did agree on some important points like, republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, and free government. According to them Republicanism is based on the ‘consent of the governed’ because power is divided between few people who are elected by the public to be on the top. Federalism is power divided between federal government and state government. They are two different powers at different levels and can make decisions separately and directly. â€Å"State governments can neither ignore nor contradict federal statutes that conform to the supreme law, the Constitution. This conception of federalism departed from traditional forms, known today as confederations, in which states retained full sovereignty over their internal affairs† In The Federalist Paper No. 47 Separation of Powers is mentioned as, â€Å"The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands†¦ may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny†. Free government was another aspect which was agreed by all three authors of The Federalist. Free government is made up of the remaining three points that have been discussed above, republicanism, federalism, and separation of powers. According to the Federalist, the popular government is the free government, in which, security, property, and liberty of people are guarded by the government. This type of government is so strong that it can protect against the internal and external threats, yet it is sufficiently narrow to prevent tyranny. It can be said that free government was designed in such a manner that it could prevent against the cruelty, of the dictators, to the public. The Federalist Papers served a dual purpose. Where it outlined the requirement for a strong central government, emphasized the weakness of Articles of Confederation, and portrayed the power of the proposed Constitution, at the same time, the paper alleviated doubts about the new federal government becoming too powerful. The authors argued that that the Confederation government was too weak and the new proposed Constitution will never be too strong. The federalist had two main objectives. First, was to convince the people of New York to ratify the Constitution and the second objective was to convince the people of all 13 states to endorse the constitution. A major concern for the authors of the Federalist was federal taxation, which is obvious in their assessment of the Articles and Constitution’s justification. â€Å"At various points, they expounded on the efficacy and fairness of consumption taxes, specifically customs duties. They insisted, however, that the federal government be granted unlimited taxing powers, including the authority to assess domestic excise taxes. Debates over â€Å"direct† vs. â€Å"indirect† taxation received considerable attention, as did the constitutional requirement for tax uniformity† . Nine of the Federalist papers discuss federal taxes and federal revenue topics. Classical Influences in Federalist Papers-Madison James Madison was the fourth President of the United States and was honored with the title of ‘Father of the American Constitution. ’ Madison is the epitome of intellectual forces, which came together in American politics by the end of the eighteenth century. Bernard Bailyn has hypothesized that the classics in colonial America was ‘illustrative, not determinative of thought. ’ To defy this notion and explain Madison’s ability to perform the role of an architect of a system that successfully integrated political and philosophical views, an assessment of Madison’s life and education will be important. A complex synthesis of classical, modern, philosophical, and rational thought has been revealed by the foundation of the American Republic, as well as, the impact of classical antiquity that was considered thoughtfully. In this regard, a combined political wisdom of thousands of years of human experience was reflected by the implementation of the abovementioned complex synthesis for the formation of a system of government. Simplistic theories of interpretation have been defied by a degree of reflection and contemplation that completed that republican government, which is accounted as one of the most purposefully design by the history of mankind. In two years, after the completion of his first year’s exams, the degree was finished by the Madison in English, Greek, mathematics, and Latin. During this time, Reverend John Witherspoon considered Madison as one of his favorite students, and it was an honor as the Reverend was the president of the college. Employing a syllabus that was classical and Christian Witherspoon taught Madison moral philosophies which greatly affected him for the rest of his life. Tangible manifestation in the Federalist Papers was found by the ability of Madison regarding the classical, as well as, modern political philosophy, which was often referred as quasi-Calvinist cognizance. Wherein the plan for a fractured government was described and advocated by Madison. In addition, any individual person or entity sought precluding of usurpation of the power of governance. This theological system of belief also reveals itself in an existing political philosophy. As per the political thinking of the Calvinist, the grace of God is responsible for all the authority. In this regard, due rights are received by both authority and liberty, when the relation between the citizens and rulers is standardized unbridled authority on the part of rulers lead to despotism, autocracy, and tyranny; unbridled liberty on the part of citizens generates into license, revolution, and anarchy. License, anarchy, and revolution have been generated by the unbridled liberty on the part of the citizens. Stewards from the God are found in the rulers, as proper constitution is formed in the government according to the principles of Calvinism. For God’s sake, the highest motives are considered for the obeying of the rulers by the citizens. An example for the understanding of development of the political, classical, and philosophical amalgamation for the debates that were performed during the formation of the American Constitution was presented by a strong proponent of the classics, Calvinist, and the Scottish Enlightenment Witherspoon. The diverse approach of Witherspoon to education provides an important explanation for understanding Madison’s talent of successfully merging classical and modern political theory into a feasible plan for a secure democratic state. In other words, an extensive intellectual focus was maintained by Witherspoon, by which, discordant philosophical, as well as, theological concepts were blended into an educational program effectively and coherently. When Madison came into politics his instant tasks were clear, first he wanted to put up a proposal for a democratic republican government acceptable to the representative body at the Constitutional Convention, and second, to assure the ratification of the proposed Constitution. From an extensive view point, Madison wanted to produce a classic dissertation on the American system of government, which would enlighten future generations about democratic republicanism. Madison was able to attain both of these goals through one channel and that was The Federalist Papers. This information helps in understanding how extensive knowledge of the classics was acknowledged by Madison and the other two authors. In Federalist no. 14 Madison presents a question, which can function as a good outline of his approach concerning the issue of the significance of the classics to the American people: It has been the glory of American people, as a blind veneration for antiquity, custom, knowledge, experience’s lessons, and objections of their senses has not been suffered by them, as the opinions of former times, as well as, other nations have been paid with a decent regard by these people. The Federalist has considered this thinking approach an obvious thing, since ancients have been referenced frequently by Madison, and their strengths and weaknesses have been borne in mind. When Thomas Jefferson sent the published texts of Polybius from France, the issues of the proposed government were considered by Madison, while positive and negative examples were considered and utilized from the ancient sources by him. Therefore Madison opposes the objections of people who mention the example of Ancient Greece as a sign of un-workability of a permanent republic. He argues that Greece was a democratic system that was often confused with a republic; Madison distinguishes between the two by mentioning that a democracy requires the people to be in assembly in order to carry out the business of the state, whereas a republic requires only the assembly of legislative body to work effectively. Hence he includes both democratic and republican doctrines in his government blueprint. The importance of the classics in the American Republic origin was demonstrated by the evaluation of specific sections comprising of papers of the Federalist, and specifically, the Madison. In addition, classical antiquity’s major references were also included in these sections as mentioned before, Madison frequently opted for classical tradition method to convey his political message, yet Madison often referred to antiquity as a negative prototype for a political culture. One area in which Montesquieu’s political philosophy complements Madison’s tactic is the issue of religion. After historical bigotry of the religion was criticized, and trade was meddled with it, it was commented by him that when the established religion satisfied the state, the establishment of another religion is not allowed. In this regard, establishment of any state religion was banned by the framers of the Constitution. Few smart and wise individuals should be communicated with the important political truths for their wise implementation, which was provided by the writings of the political philosopher, as the relationship between the political community and philosophy was considered as volatile. At the same time, harmful truths were concealed from these individuals by these writings as well. This concept was well aware by the student of Montesquieu, Madison. In the result, the classical and modern political philosophy was concealed by the furthering of his project. In this sense, the role of a crucial link in the chain of thoughts of the Romans and Greeks was played by the Madison, who was served by the Montesquieu. Classics are where Madison’s popular audience was at a majority and this is one fact that he used to his benefit in writing The Federalist Papers. In addition, major references to classical antiquity were contained in six out of eighty-five of the Federalist Papers. Passing references and explicit references regarding the specific indebtedness with a clear sign were contained in the twenty-three Federalist Papers. If these facts are considered, the link between classical antiquity and the origins of the American Republic appears to ignore a serious question. Mark Diamond states that the most immediate kind of political work was the Federalist, which was a piece of campaign propaganda. In addition, a view to the permanence of its argument was also provided to thoughtful men. The widest electorate was at once addressed by it, but able and educated men were also considered, by whom, the fate of the Constitution could be determined. Short-term objective was accomplished by the Federalist, in which, public opinion had to be influence with the relation of political system of the United States. Federalist As mentioned before, the people of New York were persuaded by the publishing of the Federalist for the ratification of the Constitution. It also made an attempt to elucidate different provisions of the Constitution and to enlighten the people by giving reasons, as to why other provisions like bill of rights had been excluded. It was argued by the Publius that an exceptional opportunity of reason and choice had by the Americans for the creation of own type of government. In contrast, earlier constitutions were determined by the chance of force. Publius argued that the Constitution shaped a republican style of government which was effective and sound in nature, but yet was controlled by checks and balances Advocates of the American Constitution obtained a strategic advantage over those who opposed it by taking up the name Federalist for themselves and by identifying the adversaries Anti-Federalists. Federalists supported state rule and disagreed with a central national government. By holding the title Federalist, Hamilton and other authors got an additional advantage for their position and got around an extreme conflict over the issue of state versus national power. They emerged as advocates of states’ rights and this idea was clearly explained in The Federalist Papers, yet they were also evidently advocating for a strong national government. The essays were signed â€Å"Publius† after Publius Valerius who was the state builder and who rebuild the Roman republic following the removing from power Rome’s last king called Tarquin. Plutarch measured Publius favorably against Solon who was Greece’s law giver. And at that instant a modern Publius would have helped erect the new American republic. By opting for a name like Publius, the authors of the Federalist were following a practice which was common among the eighteenth-century writers. The writers used to publish a combined work under a fictitious name instead of a byline. If Hamilton, Madison, and Jay had revealed their identity in The Federalist Papers then they would have been known as advocates of specific positions instead of being recognized by their arguments, and also this would have become a part of the argument over the Constitution. Further more; choosing secrecy was also because of the enmity between Hamilton and George Clinton the New York Governor. Interestingly Hamilton was the single New York ambassador who signed the Constitution. On the contrary, Clinton was an Anti-Federalist who was heading a state where people opposing the new Constitution were in majority. Therefore, opting for Publius was somewhat an effort to shift the discussion away from the personal bitterness between Hamilton and Clinton. As the need of unification has been signified, and the Articles of Confederation had arrears, it was explained by the Publius that a strong republican government was shaped by the Constitution, yet checks and balances controlled it. This type of government, which was strong and had checks, would maintain freedom and assets, and bring back respect for America overseas. Although an un-amended Constitution was opposed by two thirds of the nominated representatives at the New York conventions, the provision of other political writers was done by the Publius. At the same time as replying to explicit Anti-federalist arguments, The Federalist presented an integrated theory of the philosophies upon which the new Constitution was based. History, experience, and reason were the bases of this philosophical foundation, and the long existence of the republican government was verified by this foundation in relation with the examples of failed governments in the past, which were unable to survive. Countering the belief, which is often ascribed to Montesquieu, that republics could stay alive only in small areas taken by identical inhabitants, Madison in The Federalist no. 10 argued that republics could flourish best in large areas where different groups constantly competed with each other. During the constant struggles of these groups the independence of both majorities and minorities would be preserved. This republic would provide better leadership by expanding the group of qualified persons from which delegates would be selected. The Federalist no. 10 by Madison, as mentioned before, was very influential in U. S. political history and philosophy. The separation of the three branches of the federal government had to be done, as the role of a check upon the other was played by each branch in the government Although these three branches were not completely separate the practicality of each division was assured by assigning it enough power to protect itself against the actions of the other division. Furthermore, if any branch exceeded its role as defined in the Constitution then the other branches could proceed by checking on the misuse of power. Moreover, it was also stated by the Publius that freedom was protected by the new Constitution by the provision of power to the central, as well as, state governments. Specific areas of power and simultaneous powers were determined by this new federalism. It was mentioned by the Publius that a central government with restricted powers was created by the Constitution. In this regard, identification of the Congress’s, as well as, President’s powers was also done. The people and the states were left with all the remaining powers completely. If the legislative body dishonored their power and authority bestowed on them then the people could substitute them during the regular elections ensured by the Constitution. On the other hand, if the President or the judiciary breached the confidence of the people, Congress could prosecute them and if convicted Congress could remove them from their designation and from their office. The debate that was going on was based on vocabulary that is circling around the gist of the thoughts constitutive of republican dialogue. They are liberty, tyranny, virtue, corruption, representation, and even republic. It has been said before, along with rationalizations, that the new created American republic was the combined efforts of Federalists and Anti-federalists. A new political system was created not by ordains of a single lawmaker but instead was fought to bring it to life and was constructed jointly by having a powerful discussion between supporters of different political affiliations and theoretical standpoints. â€Å"The ratification debate produced an enormous outpouring of newspaper articles, pamphlets, sermons, and tracts, both for and against the new design. Of the former The Federalist is by far the most famous and certainly the most widely read in our day. The Anti-federalist case against the Constitution, by contrast, is today rarely read or even remembered. Once described (and dismissed) as mere nay-Sayers and men of little faith, the Anti-federalists are now more often regarded as the other founders. † Knowledge of this debate over the ratification of the Constitution illustrates that Publius was from time to time vanquished by its adversaries. The views supported by Publius occasionally differed from the point of view of Hamilton and Madison in the Constitutional Convention and a large portion of the Americans and the delegates did not consent with The Federalist. Nonetheless, from the beginning Americans have depended on The Federalist as being the most reliable source for understanding the objectives of the framers. The essays presented a number of arguments. The essays convincingly made the case for a strong unification of the states in Federalist number 1 to 14, highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation in Federalist number 15 to 22, argued about the benefits of a strong energetic central government in number 23 to 36, and mentioned the republican government’s capability to provide political steadiness as well as freedom in numbers 35 to 51. The essays following shortly after these scrutinized the roles of the three branches of government: the legislative numbers 52 to 66, the executive numbers 67 to 77, and the judicial numbers 78 to 83 along with the question of a bill of rights in Federalist number 84. The authors of the Federalist also reasoned the benefits of federalism. Furthermore, an impact on the United States law was done by the essays, which were written on the role of the federal judiciary for a long time now. Federalist essay number 78 consists of a vital defense of the belief of the judicial review that is the power which permits the U. S. Supreme Court to eliminate laws passed by Congress. In Federalist number 80 it is argued by Hamilton that it is important to establish system of federal courts, which are separate from state courts. The theories of the European philosophers of the Enlightenment have built the political philosophy of the Federalist. In addition, the Articles of Confederation, as well as, their experience by the United States, and historical examples have also been included. The treatise not only presented historical arguments and philosophical theories about the human nature and government, but also presented strong analysis of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The general aim of the paper was to persuade the people that an energetic and strong centralized government would be more caring towards their freedom and independence. The philosophers’ thoughts were consideration of natural rights, and illustrated the kind of government best capable of protecting the rights of the people. They recognized that a person’s inclination towards self-protection, freedom, and selfishness would primarily come into conflict with the opposing needs of other people. Therefore, these philosophers maintained that the best type of government is one which balances the selfish needs of the human beings with the need of self-protection. The speculative thought that too much liberty can be terrible for an organized society was confirmed by the U. S government during the years of the Articles of Confederation. A shoddy amalgamation of independent states, as well as, the national government was provided by the articles. A specific legislative body was considered for the positioning of the articles. Affairs relating to the mutual defense were discussed and decided by the bestowed powers on this legislative body, which has been referred as the Congress. The creation of a strong central government has been fearfully taken like the Great Britain, a significant power with the state governments has been placed by the delegates, and national government has been restricted with the powers greatly. Lack of power for the enforcement of law, funds collection, trade regulation, and uniform judgment’s provision has been responsible for the hampering of the Congress. What is more, many intuitive leaders identified that the self-centeredness of the states would ultimately break the union and they also recognized that the Articles of Confederation presented no legal means to stop this collapse. States had clashes with each other over land, commerce regulations, and imposts against nearby states. States set up relations with foreign nations and declined to send tax money to Congress. The Virginia legislature called a delegate for the production of uniformity in trade, as well as, in the commerce. The meeting was meant for the discussion of uniform trade regulations with the interested delegates from the different states. In spite of the small presence of states at the Annapolis Convention, the meeting motivated states to hold another meeting for the explicit reason of modifying the Articles of Confederation. Sufficient power was not within a weak central government for the provision of security and protection of the civil liberties of individuals, as assumed by the delegates with the help of guidance from the Article of Confederation experience. Therefore, the delegates decided to entirely abolish the old system. The convention presented a new plan of government at the end of the summer of 1787, which was titled the U. S. Constitution. A strong central government was requested by this manuscript, in which all the other state governments will depend on this authoritative body and laws will be enforced, judged, and legislated by the bestowed powers to this body. The document was highly praised by the Federalists for the creation of energy in a centralized body. However, it was feared by the Anti-federalists that their rights and liberties would be infringed by the new plan. Strong and rational justifications were provided for each choice of the Constitution Convention by the Federalist papers. Citizens were also persuaded by the papers that greater protection could be provided by the government for the people, if the hands of people will be placed with less power. Although the concern about ratification of the U. S. Constitution in the New York state by Alexander Hamilton was originated with the document, ratification of the Constitution and its related essays were supported by the arguments of leaders in many states. Since the role of delegates to the Constitutional Convention was played by both Hamilton and Madison, the name Publius was used for all the published essays. As a large part for the constructing of document was done by the arguments, criticism as a subjective by these arguments was felt by them. Even after nine out of thirteen state approvals were received by the Constitution, two of the most powerful states, the New York and Virginia continued their struggle for the ratification. Technically, ratification of New York or Virginia did not have any effect on the Constitution. However the writing down the federalist essays was not a futile assignment, even though the Constitution turned out to be successful without New York’s support. While an effort was made by them for the persuasion of the American audience, an opportunity was received by them for being associated with the first federal republic. A distinctive political philosophy was conveyed successfully by the Publius. Practice was possible, and philosophical theories and historical examples instituted this philosophy. Moist importantly, the experience during the accomplishment of the balance between order and freedom was the bases of this philosophy. â€Å"The Federalist Papers reflect the end of an era in America, a chapter that began with the Mayflower Compact of 1620 and the various covenants, declarations, and state constitutions that followed, and culminated in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. During that period of more than a century and a half, American political thought was formulated and tried, and arguments were rehearsed and refined in press, pulpit, and legislative chamber, often to express opposition to the British crown, but also to give an expanding country a workable government. It was against such a background that The Federalist Papers emerged, combining the traits Robert A. Ferguson ascribes to the Constitution: generic strength, manipulative brilliance, cunning restraint, and practical eloquence. † The essays presented in The Federalists are fundamental and ground-breaking statements of sound rational political thought, which carefully progress ahead the essential thoughts mentioned by theorists Hume, Locke, and Montesquieu. Rather than radically deposing off the old theory and practice, the authors of the Constitution cautiously studied it and took its finest aspects and gave them a new meaning altogether. The essays of the Federalists had more life and were more strongly remembered than material written by Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, or Metternich. If there would have been no credible arguments against the proposed constitution then there would have been no need for the intense material of The Federalist. And, if there would have been no Federalist then understanding the Constitution would have been significantly reduced. The Constitution is a concise manuscript which is not suitable for an argument or for an explanation. The Federalist makes us understand the minds of the creators. Madison commented that The Federalist offers â€Å"the most authentic exposition of the text of the Federal Constitution, as understood by the Body which prepared and the authority which accepted it. † The Federalist justifies why the authors found the Articles of Confederation unacceptable; why they wanted to separate the powers of the government’s branches; why they split the national legislature into two different houses; why they thought that a federal court for the final appeal was desirable and necessary; why they banned titles of nobility; why they said that a bill of rights was a needless addition, and why a lot of other permissions and prohibitions were written into the Constitution or excludes completely. â€Å"As a contribution to the ratification debate, The Federalist is an extended exercise in exposition, explanation, and persuasion. As a work of political theory, then, The Federalist flies fairly close to the ground, rarely soaring into the stratosphere of philosophical abstraction. † Articles of Confederation If the Articles of Confederation would not have failed then there would have been no Constitution and surely no Federalist Papers. After two centuries it is not easy to picture the hectic state of America in the post revolutionary era. There was so much going on. America won a war but still the eastern seaboard was susceptible to attackers. Then the economy was weighed down by numerous currencies and tariffs, the state governments were bankrupt, and the central government was only central in name. Everything was hap hazard and nothing was going right. Since 1776 till 1787 America was an uncontrolled union of states which were ruled by the Articles of Confederation, which had a serious defect and that was the individual states had power and that power remained with them. The central government was just there to be called central. It could do nothing. It could neither increase revenues nor pass and ratify legislation necessary for independent states. To pass laws, nine votes out of thirteen states were necessary and an undisputed and agreed by all votes was essential to effect any basic change in the Articles. Making a central government with such weakness was deliberate because the American colonists had angrily rejected the British crown’s authority to control trade and collect taxes. The governmental body created under the Articles of Confederation was basically immobilized, and there was no executive or judicial branch as well. What is more, the thirteen states had distinct political and commercial concerns and therefore a brief duration of artificial harmony among these states proved to be unsuccessful in producing a nationalized identity. What is surprising is that nine states had navies; seven printed their own currency, and the majority had tariff and customs laws. Also, New York was charging duties on ships transporting firewood or farm produce to and from neighboring states such as, New Jersey and Connecticut. When the soldiers mentioned that â€Å"New Jersey is our country,† they were endorsing the prevailing emotions of other states. The insolvent state governments also contributed largely to the political turmoil of the 1780s. Hamilton harshly attacked the Articles of Confederation when he stated in Federalist No. 9 that the states promoted â€Å"little, jealous, clashing, tumultuous commonwealths, the wretched nurseries of unceasing discord. † Madison when writing Federalist No. 10 had the insolvent states in mind as well because he portrays the requirement to â€Å"secure the national