Friday, October 11, 2019

Ethics and Moral Reasoning Essay

Even though living in pain can be a physical and emotional toll on a person’s life, no one can judge or comment on it without knowing how it feels, but choosing to end your life for this cause is ethically wrong. A person should not be able to choose between life and death like it is something normal that we do every day. Dying is not the answer to a person’s problems, pains, or sufferings. Now a day technology and medicine are highly advanced and can cure or reduce the pain of a person with a disease. Choosing to end your life is basically committing suicide and suicide is wrong. First, I believe a person should not be able to choose whether they will live or die because dying will ease the pain and suffering they are experiencing but it is not the answer to their problems. People do not realize that by choosing to die they cause problems, pain and suffering to others. For example, a person may choose to die and have a big medical bill in which his spouse or family will be responsible for and not be able to afford it. Now because of his/her acts this family will be stuck with the financial problems left behind which can cause the person suffering due to financial burdens when they cannot afford it. Then to think on funeral expenses, and how the adults will explain it to children who might be too young to understand why was this chosen. Now a day medicine can cure or reduce the pain of a person with a disease. As I researched on the web I found that because of the â€Å"rapid and dramatic development in medicine and technology professionals have the power to save more lives.† For example, when a person has cancer they undergo chemo and/or radiation. Some people have it with success and kill the cancer cells while others don’t. We also have people with AIDS who can live their life pain and symptom free thanks to medicine they have to ta ke and things they have to undergo. Living with AIDS is a good example on a disease that is terminal and there is no cure for it but there are medicines that can and will help a person live life for many years and with very little to no problems. By ending life with the assistance of a doctor or medicine is basically committing assisted suicide and this is wrong and should not be assisted or encourage. Life is a gift from God and a person should not decide the end of it. Having a doctor assist you and give you medicine to end your life  whether it is to end your pain and suffering from a terminal disease is as bad as putting a gun to your head. I believe that having assisted suicide most people abuse it and think it’s the only way out. Some might even doing in despair or they might be desperate to stop all the pain they are in. Others might feel depressed in knowing they have a disease they might not be able to cure and will eventually die from. Ending a life due to medical issue is morally and ethically wrong and people should let the disease run its course. I don’t know how it is to live in pain and the physical and emotional toll it can have on someone. I cannot judge or comment on any person’s situation but a person should not be able to choose whether they will live or die. I believe it is selfish on their part to choose to end their life and should realize that dying will not stop the problems, pains, or sufferings. It will stop on their part because they will not be here to live it but it would not stop for the family and can even get worse with the death of that person. Medicine and technology are highly advanced and can cure or reduce the pain of a person with a disease. There are many medicines and equipment used to ease, stop and even prevent pain. When a person is choosing to end their life they are basically planning on committing suicide. People should look into the consequences it will bring if t hey do choose to end their life before even mentioning it. References: Assisted Suicide: A Right or a Wrong?. (n.d.). Assisted Suicide: A Right or a Wrong?. Retrieved July 7, 2014, from Physician-assisted Suicide: The Wrong Approach to End of Life Care. (n.d.). Physician-assisted Suicide: The Wrong Approach to End of Life Care. Retrieved July 7, 2014, from

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